I am leaving, on a jet plane, in less than 72 hours. I can't believe that we actually pulled the trigger on this trip to Hawaii, but I am so proud of us for doing it! Parenting is the most exasperating and wonderful thing I have ever done, and it's tough to make your marriage a priority when you're in the trenches of 2 small boys. But, I would really like to stay married to the guy who calls me Spiffy Biscuits, forever and ever, so I know this trip will be good for us. Okay, enough mush! Cleaning out the fridge, lack of creativity edition;
- Sunday; I made fajitas. I had all these random bits and pieces on the counter trying to figure out what to make, and my husband walked in and said, "make fajitas, you can use the steak, the onion, the mushrooms, and the peppers" Why couldn't I think of that?
- Monday; Giving this a shot, I love anything with cabbage lately!
- Tuesday; More allrecipes.com to the rescue, the Pesto has to go.
Like the gratuitous shot of my kids? I saw this magical pic on Pinterest of a baby fascinated by Christmas lights, so I wanted to recreate it. Great job Megan!