Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday Ad Picks, 8/4-8/10

Okay, I just realized that I didn't post last Wednesday (started to, but didn't finish), or Sunday (started to, but didn't finish). This is not impressive, feel free to yell at me. I am forcing myself to post the Wednesday picks ON WEDNESDAY for once, and then I'll feel better about myself. Huh.

FTC Wednesday short ad
  • 16lb lug of peaches for canning is $12.99. I LOVE peaches!


  • Cabbage is .27/lb.
  • Broccoli is .99/lb.


  • Plum's are .88/lb.
  • Chicken tenders are 1.99/lb. I used to buy these all the time when we had an Albertson's store, but haven't bought them since as I never see them at Safeway for this price. They are really convenient for chicken strips, or anything that you're going to cut the chicken up even more, like stir fry.
  • This one is up for interpretation, but the Haggar's ad has a rebate form from Kellog's Fuel for School. Buy 10 items and you get a $10 rebate. I do not see anywhere on the form that you have to buy the items from Haggar's (though it does have an Affiliated Foods logo on the top) so I would say you can purchase them from another store and submit the rebate. See the Safeway post below....
  • Cabbage is .29/lb.
  • Colby Jack is 2.99/lb in the deli, I try to pay less than $2/lb of shredded or block cheese, so that's a good price for slices.


  • Corn on the cob is 6 ears for $1, SAT/SUN only
  • Whole chickens are .79/lb.
  • I understand there is a new pamphlet in the store that will correlate with several of the items on the 3rd page of the ad, I haven't seen it yet, but make sure and look for it. There were a bunch of bonus Cellfire coupons released this week that match up with some of this stuff too, so make sure you load them!
  • There's a Kellog's promotion right now, buy 10 participating items and get a coupon for $10 off your next purchase at Safeway. So for example, if you bought 10 boxes of Pop Tarts at 1.99 each, you'd pay 19.90, get the $10 coupon, and submit the rebate from the Haggar's ad to get $10 back. You could really stretch this one by looking for the Pop Tarts with the Rewards logo on them; they have special codes inside, and if you buy 10 different flavors you could enter all the codes and get 2 free movie tickets. (I doubt that Safeway carries 10 different flavors, but I really don't know.) There are lots of other items included in this promotion, but I wanted to throw the Pop Tarts idea out there since it would be simplest to use as an example and would net you the most stuff in return!
  • There is one other scenario that I came up with from this ad. Hellman's mayo is on sale SAT/SUN only for $2.49, which is less than impressive to me. But, there is a .75 cent coupon here, click on Prizes and Coupons in the upper right, fill out the form, and you can print the coupon twice. So that brings it down to $1.49/bottle after the coupon doubles. Still not mind blowing to me. So then, throw in the manufacturer's coupon from the current FTC ad for $2 off deli or lunch meat with the purchase of 2 Hellman's mayo's, and now you have my attention. To maximize this one, I would go the deli and pick up slightly over $2 worth of lunch meat. If you do this one, you'll pay $3 for 2 jars of mayo and the deli meat, which is not bad at all. If you aren't completely confused yet, there is also a Cellfire coupon for .50 off one jar of the mayo, and that brings your total down to $2.50. Now we're talking my language!
I realize that I threw somewhat more complicated scenarios at you with this Safeway ad, so tell me if you have questions!

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